Howdy folks
So after alot of carefull thoughts I have actually decided for even more changes….
Divine Might now has duration 10 + ( extend spell +5 ) + Charisma modifier( maximum 10 ) , granting between 10 to 25 rounds.
Divine shield now has duration ( 10 + ( extend spell +5 ) + Charisma modifier( maximum 10 ) ) *3 , granting between 30 to 75 rounds.
Following is an explanation for the change in duration for the divine Shield, since this feat also has other changes…
1. It really struck me when Warchief mentioned the aid for paladins wearing 2-handers. I have always envisioned the paladin with shield.
2. The paladin already have bonus AC to both his armor and, if used, shield compared to fx fighters using his holy sword spell.
3. I believe that the few spells ( and these feats to me are like spells ) the semicasters have available should be special in effect and if possible useable as buffs to others, for groups of melee and semicasters to better be able to cope with the harsness of Alangara – usually demanding or highly benefitting from caster aid/buffs.
I also like for spells or feats to actually make sense. So when the divine shield feat actually grants DODGE ac bonus I believe this is a fail of sorts.
Another thing is that I try to balance benefits/drawbacks , as far as possible, from low level up til end levels. The massive changes to caps on damage spells is an example of this…
Following spells for group use is at this time DODGE bonus in Alangara...
Undeaths eternal foe – caps at ac 8
Bardsong – Caps at ac 8
Boots – easely made 5 from forge, and epic drops goes higher…
This basically means that the normal DODGE ac actually becomes obsolete in a diverse epic group, since we are already above the hardcoded +20 cap.
So what I have done and that need game testing ( since my test pally don’t even have these feats ) is as follows…
The Divine Shield now grants SHIELD ac.
This serves the benefit of preventing low level paladins getting comparatively too high ac when using the feat together with their shield – since they are already special boosted from the holy sword spell, that now is customized into armor and shield ac boost.
Using the feat at level 15+ will also grant the paladin a potion that is intended to work on any creature user, but that does not summon another.
The effect of both feat and potion is Shield AC = CharismaModifier but minimum +4 and maximum +10. Latest to prevent unreasonable high AC compared to currently available shields…
It should be noted that it actually stacks with a physical shield so that this means a top SHIELD AC of 13 - if using a towershield.
This, as I see it, makes for a nice adition useable also for other melee characters not using shield , and the durations between 3 and 7,5 minuttes are both within range of the caster version of the shield potions since it has duration of 5 minuttes. However this is set at +4 for all users so the pally version will become better for the paladin him/her-self and users thinking in charisma, fx via spells and item boosts. Basically this boost the paladin as it is intended to do , but I feel better now than the standard and still it does not give the paladin unreasonable advantages over other fighters as they can use the potions for the precise same effects.
The potions are now tested and they work
I am tremendously looking forward to hear about your feedbacks.