World bosses...

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World bosses...

Post by tarashon »

Howdy all :)

Currently the work with worldbosses are making them a little shifty in their behavior…

The new ( well this year really ) settings for spells, weapons player powers and what not, have ment that we have had a good lok at the first 3 worldbosses and their areas.

Lendizare the Stormkeeper
Lord Ibaraksadur
Aira Draconis

In that order in terms of hardiness…

So as we get a fine balance this will also set the standard for all those bosses after…

Also we are working on a system that makes all worldbosses have mixed interesting rare random loot so that it is always possible to gain something ( besides the server wide XP events ) from killing the world bosses :)

The aim is to make them challenging but also these 3 first bosses as a minimum should be doable for good versatile non-reborn highend epic groups of 4-6 players. ( some may do them easier and less players but... )

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