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Some Summons -

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 5:48 am
by BenevolentDevil
Animate Dead ( level 5 wiz ) at least seems to have the original summons for that spell, making them sub par and weak for Alangara as summoned creatures.
Can we get some undead summon upgrades on all those spells?
My conjurer focus doesn't really seem to give much to the summons if anything at all ...

Also not sure if it was a bug or not, but my level 5 summon , seemed considerably weaker than the level 4 summon.

Re: Some Summons -

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 8:24 am
by BenevolentDevil
Yeah not sure ... I honestly have nothing to compare it with, hahaha, as this is kind of my first char here that summons spell summons. Most summons seem improved from the original counterparts of course, just some do not seem as "upgraded" , like the animate dead, shades/shadow summons, or planar bindings seem very weak compared to the changed summons, almost like they are default. Or maybe possible my character isn't strong enough yet? ( too low level?)

Not sure if that was intentional or not ...

Re: Some Summons -

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 10:24 am
by tarashon
Well if they feel like defaults...they are defaults...

Na, seriously though I have not yet upgraded all types of summons at all.

First we updated the normal summon I to IX, then the planer and greater planar binding and gate. Then most lately I upgraded the summons used by the BG. Rest are not altered at all.

As for level 5 summon being weaker than the level 4 that is not the case assuming its the small dragons you are referering to, and if its those othesr I haven't changed them so not likely either. I do know however that the level 4 is the spider and level 5 is the bear and the spider has poisons attacks and might even also have more, giving the appearance of being stronger ?

As for your conjurer focus...what is it supposed to do ?


Re: Some Summons -

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 6:01 pm
by BenevolentDevil
// have no clue what conjure focus does , I had assumed it added something to the summoning spell category , but I don't know that much about NWN's spell side of things.

Yep I think the level 4 poison might have threw me off.

Re: Some Summons -

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 6:53 pm
by Dante2377
as for conjuration, are you talking about taking the spell focus: conjuration feats? or actually being specialized (e.g. at level 1 you selected conjurer)

If the former, that just gives extra DC on spells from that school, but if the latter, then "specialized" wizards gain 1 extra spell per level, at the expense of not being able to cast spells (or use scrolls) of the "opposing" schools of magic.

See here

Conjuration's opposition is transmutation. Unfortunately, if you are a conjurer, there are some important spells you cannot cast, chief among them being haste (also keen edge, timestop, greater stoneskin, and any of the stat increase spells like Bull's Strength, etc).

here's the the list of spells conjurer's cannot cast