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Undeath's Eternal Foe
Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 3:14 pm
by Dante2377
I believe someone had mentioned in-game that there were a change or two to this spell (the +4 AC is reverted back to dodge not deflection but won't stack with itself more than once, possibly turns/lvl??), but I didn't see anything in the spell change thread. Did I totally make that up in my head (it's been known to happen)?
Re: Undeath's Eternal Foe
Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 3:42 pm
by tarashon
you did not
It is indeed dodge, wont self stack and caps at +8. This basically means that with full bard buff and good boots the hardcap of +20 dodge armor will be reached. I cant even remember if we also added an element of regen to it, but i shall check it out and update spell descriptions.
Also observe that even though i write all these things down it might take some days before I implement stuff this time as I just send Seeker the module for some scripting wizardry on his behalf to implement a state of semi-permanency of time calculation so that renting of rooms actually will expire over time unless people pay up again. I might also be using this timeline for other purposes over time ^^
Also since its been promised 20+ degrees and sun the next few days ( i am quite north of polar circle ) I will be enjoying the weather
Re: Undeath's Eternal Foe
Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 5:36 am
by Dante2377
in the spell change thread, I see up updated it to say it caps at +6. If it's like the others (+1 every 3 levels), then it's +5 at cleric 17 (when you first get level 9 spells), and +6 at cleric 18+. So it's really just the one level that it's not +6.
You also might mention in that thread that it is dodge AC, not deflection. That's a big change and as this thread sinks into forum oblivion, people might not know.
Re: Undeath's Eternal Foe
Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 11:01 am
by tarashon
You ar eright about that Dante. however I looked upon the spell script yesterday and could not see it changed into Dodge there, or in the spellhook either. Thus I am wondering if it actually is somehow that I cant see it right now. I just seemed to remember that was what was done many years ago, but now I am not so sure...
I will find out though...