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(FIXED) wrong bounty dialogue

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 1:58 pm
by Warchief
Hey tara

I noticed last night while doing Hawkfiend bounties that the mage to turn in the feathers too, has the wrong reminder dialogue. When asking again what bounties are needed, she talks about Earthens lol. I will keep my eye out for more hastily pasted dialogue in case there is still more to fix :P

Re: wrong bounty dialogue

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 3:57 pm
by tarashon
Indeed. I'll fix it right now :)


Re: wrong bounty dialogue

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 9:48 pm
by Li'l Rose
A few days ago, the ship captains were still talking about Aisla's Plateau.

Also there is one npc, I forgot which one, but he said to my female character, 'my good man'. It may have been the guy who gave reward for the evolved ratmen quest.

Re: wrong bounty dialogue

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 11:01 pm
by tarashon
Howdy Rose :)

I'll be fixing both tomorrow.
