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(FIXED) Cloak Exchanger
Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 2:53 am
by Li'l Rose
The cloak exchanger seems to be bugged. It takes my equipped cloak, and puts a new cloak in my inventory. The new cloak is the same design as the old clock. Not sure if this was intended, but since it is in Signe's dressing room, I imagine it is supposed to change the cloak design. However it is not doing that.
Re: Cloak Exchanger
Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 3:11 am
by Li'l Rose
Also is it possible you could slide the carpet a little so that the models stand on the floor? The carpet makes it hard to see the options for shoes.
Thank you Tara.
Re: Cloak Exchanger
Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:02 am
by tarashon
Howdy Rose
I have completely removed the cloak exchanger. It was an import we hoped would work but it didn't and it being there has no purpose except risking people loosing magical cloaks...
As for the carpet I double checked but alas...
The thing is the tileset makes the natural floor sand and if i lower the marblefloor placeable even 0.01 the sand starts to shine through. And similarly if I lower the carpet even 0.01 the marble shines through... sorry !
Re: Cloak Exchanger
Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:05 am
by Li'l Rose
What I had meant for the carpet was to just slide it away from the models, not to lower it.
For the cloak exchanger. On the advanced tab of the placeable, set the starting position to deactivated, then try this script in the on used slot.
Code: Select all
#include "x2_inc_itemprop"
void _CopyProps(object oOld, object oNew)
if (GetIsObjectValid(oOld) && GetIsObjectValid(oNew))
itemproperty ip = GetFirstItemProperty(oOld);
while (GetIsItemPropertyValid(ip))
ip = GetNextItemProperty(oOld);
object MyDyeArmor(object oItem, int nColorType, int nColor)
object oRet = CopyItemAndModify(oItem,ITEM_APPR_TYPE_ARMOR_COLOR,nColorType,nColor,TRUE);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oRet))
DestroyObject(oItem); // remove old item
oRet = oItem; // failed, just return the original
return oRet; //return new item
void main()
object oPC = GetLastUsedBy();
object oCloak = GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_CLOAK,oPC);
// if cloak in cloak slot
if (GetIsObjectValid(oCloak) && GetIsObjectValid(oPC))
string sResRef = GetResRef(oCloak);
string sName = GetName(oCloak);
string sTag = GetTag(oCloak); // So we can set the tag on the new cloak later (Foy 09/07)
string sNewResRef;
int iModelNum; // 00=invisible, 1-14 no wings, 15-28 wings
int iColor;
int iWingType;
int iMaxModelNum = 28; // to support non-CEP module set this to 14
int iMinModelNum = 0; // to support non-CEP module set this to 1 (Foy 09/07)
// If we have a resref.
if (sResRef != "")
// Comment this section out if using an item instead of a placeable
// First find out if the PC has wings
if (GetCreatureWingType(oPC) == CREATURE_WING_TYPE_NONE)
iMaxModelNum = 14;
// Instance the invisible IP work container
object oContainer = IPGetIPWorkContainer();
// Build the new ResRef
if (GetStringLeft(sResRef,9) != "basecloak")
sNewResRef = "basecloak0" + IntToString(iMinModelNum);
iModelNum = StringToInt(GetStringRight(sResRef,2)) + 1;
if (iModelNum < iMinModelNum || iModelNum > iMaxModelNum)
iModelNum = iMinModelNum;
if (iModelNum < 10)
sNewResRef = "basecloak0" + IntToString(iModelNum);
sNewResRef = "basecloak" + IntToString(iModelNum);
// Create new cloak template in invisible container
object oNew = CreateItemOnObject (sNewResRef,oContainer);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oNew))
SendMessageToPC(oPC,"New Appearance will be " + GetName(oNew) + "");
// remove all permanent item properties present on the template cloak
// Base Cloaks don't have properties but just in case...
// instead, add the item properties from the current cloak
// sync colors from old cloak
oNew = MyDyeArmor(oNew, ITEM_APPR_ARMOR_COLOR_LEATHER1, iColor);
oNew = MyDyeArmor(oNew, ITEM_APPR_ARMOR_COLOR_LEATHER2, iColor);
oNew = MyDyeArmor(oNew, ITEM_APPR_ARMOR_COLOR_CLOTH1, iColor);
oNew = MyDyeArmor(oNew, ITEM_APPR_ARMOR_COLOR_CLOTH2, iColor);
oNew = MyDyeArmor(oNew, ITEM_APPR_ARMOR_COLOR_METAL1, iColor);
oNew = MyDyeArmor(oNew, ITEM_APPR_ARMOR_COLOR_METAL2, iColor);
// sync other properties
SetItemCharges(oNew, GetItemCharges(oCloak));
// create a copy of the new cloak on the player
// Change from CopyItem to copy object so we can set the tag at the same time
// object oNewCloak = CopyItem(oNew, oPC, TRUE);
object oNewCloak = CopyObject(oNew, GetLocation(oPC), oPC, sTag);
// destroy the old cloak
// destroy the copy template to prevent cluttingring up the item property container
// force player to equip new cloak.
// Put in a pause in case the pc has wings
// There seems to be some sort of bug where the wings disappear if you exchange too quickly
DelayCommand(1.00,AssignCommand(oPC,ActionEquipItem(oNewCloak, INVENTORY_SLOT_CLOAK)));
SendMessageToPC(oPC,"Failed to create item with resref " + sResRef + "");
// error message, we need a resref to update the cloak, if no resref exist, we can't do that.
SendMessageToPC(oPC,"Could not convert " + GetName (oCloak) + ", this can only be done by the module author");
// Inform player of no cloak present
SendMessageToPC(oPC,"You need to equip the cloak you want to convert before running the script");
Re: Cloak Exchanger
Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 1:39 pm
by tarashon
Thx a bunch. really hope this works as it is so nice to be able to customize ones cloaks also
Both carpet moving and new script implemented !
Re: Cloak Exchanger
Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 1:49 pm
by tarashon
Appearantly not working with the cloaks.
Get message like "failed to create item with resref CEP010" , or something similar.
was wondering if this has something to do with the invisible chest in the script. maybe i need some item to spawn in, to be present in the toolset ?
If so maybe we can just alter the script so it uses another chest - like the one already place unreachable for players ?
Re: Cloak Exchanger
Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:19 pm
by BenevolentDevil
Look in your list, and see if there is a clothing builder chest , I think thats what is needed.
Re: Cloak Exchanger
Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:23 pm
by tarashon
Hmm i only got this script from the post benevolent, so as for me I have no items, and cant see any in the script here except the invisible thingi...
Re: Cloak Exchanger
Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:44 pm
by BenevolentDevil
hmm, like I said, I might have linked you to the wrong ( outdated) version.
The bad part ...
the "new version" has been removed from the vault , I think because Project-Q folks made it, and between them and CEP folks, a good bit of ueful tools are being removed, because they are being merged into their hak systems. ( It's almost like , in oder to get the goodstuff , you MUST get the latest large haks anymore. , like even most of AmethystDragon's scripts , can only be gotten from the Aerilith haks now. < Funneling players left in NWN, to their PW, instead of letting everyone enjoy PWs elsewhere, ... almost. )
However, when I get free time, I bet I could figure out the cloak change scripts ... all one has to do, is point to the 2da appearance numbers of each "item" , and allow for dyes ... in theory, that shouldn't be that hard. The difficult part for me, would be to "copy" item properties to said changed cloak appearances.
Hopefully Rose will know more on that?
I'm not a great scripter by any means, and I never understood WHY bioware/aurora engine made doing things like changing appearances so complex and hard, or hidden ... , as it's only aesthetic appearance changes. ( like why do default NWN crafting, cost money to change a look? Seems a bit autistic in my opinion, lol.
Re: Cloak Exchanger
Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:56 pm
by tarashon
Well look at the script Rose, added up this thread and see if you can figure out whats wrong with it
As for devellopers (maybe) trying to get players to their own PWs... who can blame them ??