Spiritmaster and other class ideas:

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Spiritmaster and other class ideas:

Post by BenevolentDevil »

Loving the new "Spirit master" custom class Tara is designing! Already it looks awesome, and just the fact he can do it seems to open the doors of possibilities to new and exciting things for Alangara!

This also, maybe might be a "fix" some other classes that just either don't mesh with Alangara or NWN in general as well?

Like, we could possibly fix the "shifter" class??( I dunno why Shifters in NWN are a prestige class of Druid , where in DnD 3.0, the two were separate "classes" as far as I know. I could be wrong there, but I thought I seen a character that was a Shifter that had nothing to do with being a druid. )
But for Alangara here, the shifter class was banned because the skin changes reaked havoc on some of the systems of alangara if I am not mistaken.

So, redesigning the class in the way the Spirit Master is done, could be a possibility? Possibly have even better "forms" that make sense and fit?

Any other "ideas" I had, involved mounted combat , which isn't a feature of Alangara.

I do so think, Jessandra would have been a totally different expereince , if her Brassdragon blood wasn't based off RDD , but off a true Dragonblooded class or race.

I am just spitballing ideas here really, getting them down to review and look over as time goes on here.
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Re: Spiritmaster and other class ideas:

Post by BenevolentDevil »

Of course, this one may be far fetched ... but any type of Psionics type classes would be cool I think as well. Might not be do-able though, but just a thought.
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Re: Spiritmaster and other class ideas:

Post by tarashon »

One way of creating psyonics is to combine "mind tricks" with damage.

Say fx a power giving 10d6 damage and stun for 2 rounds if fail.

Well even mind immune have to save for the damage and if the "stun" is a supernatural petrification effect.... WUPTI, and as far as I can imagine rather easy to create also :)

As for the shifter class it should be quite possible to redesign their powers. As for their forms i'm not yet sure, but likely doable. also it should be quite possible to as a minimum make it so they only need take one class druid first ( or fx monk if that would work better, just saying )

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Re: Spiritmaster and other class ideas:

Post by BenevolentDevil »

I dunno why I am having a hard time coming up with ideas... if you asked me 6 months ago , I probably would have spurted out more than we wanted to hear. :)

I'm even trying to recall/remember little things I thought was cool from that odd module we tried, with all the extra attacks and effects , some radical class additions ... but nothing useful comes to mind now from that.

From Earthdawn inspiration ... you seen what I did with the "acher" using the Arcane Archer on Anoksuna , which was more RP based than mechanics in reality.
You took the Nethermancer, and created the Spiritmaster from there.

Calvarymen, or even in DnD Cavalier from 1rst edition, involves things that deal with mounts and mounted combat. ( something we lack here as part of the realm for the most part. )

Air Ship stuff ( also rather moot here in alangara) , so Sky Raiders and Air Sailors not so much can be taken from them.

Any "spell casters" in Earthdawn, were relatively like any arcane based class already presented in DnD. So, no real big game changers there, and other classes were usually some form of specialized combat class.
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Re: Spiritmaster and other class ideas:

Post by tarashon »

Well here is the thing...

I've been trying this way of playing the Spiritmaster ( added level 8 power "True Stride" - freedom of movement and haste, in one ) and it reminds me TREMENDOUSLY of a certain game i had a lot of fun with, so this give me some more ideas. The game is nothing less than good old...DIABLO :)

Creating feats and spellpowers that instaworks while moving gives precisely the same game feel as diablo, at least to me. This turns the game into a way more fast paced version, and obviously the graphics and option in Alangara kicks the sheit out of diablo.

Now we already have the arcane archer in place ( might need to downtone damaged a bit on the "booms there ) but what if one could suddenly also play.... Spearmaiden ? ( remember diablo ? )

Create a class with spear ( likely based upon the barbarian instead of the bard but maybe d10 hp ) and various special attacks diablo style with freezing the mobs temporarely and all.

I've actually already played around with custom "freeze effects" in the frosttraps where you freeze the mobs ( temporarely petrification and blue aura works wonders ), and gives them damage...

And also i'm thinking the "berserker" from Diablo with massive special atk's and jumping into battle ( im pretty sure we can tweak the effect from tobias robe ;)... )

Well all in all i've got a thousands ideas and i want to create these things taking both the limits of NWN and the options and setting in Alangara, to new hights ! :)

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Re: Spiritmaster and other class ideas:

Post by BenevolentDevil »

If ya were a woman, I'd hunch your leg!
Diablo ... one of my all time favs! ( the original, not the D2 or D3 versions ) , I am loving those Ideas!
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