Custom creature AI.

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Custom creature AI.

Post by tarashon »

Howdy folks :)

After some hints on the community facebook page Alangara have been upgraded with a brand new custom AI.

Basically this have ment some extraodinary changes in creature behavior and it will make combat extremely more interesting in the future. Going down through the normal sewers in Castle balder alone was a completely different experience, first with the ratman actually using stealth sneaking up on you or your companions. They are also so sneaky now they dont just go for the front person. some of them sneaks right past you and attacks henchmen behind you. Awesome !

Coming to the mystics was an incredible and gamechanging experience. From their former singleminded attacking with magical missiles they now summons creatures, henchen and use various spells such as darkness. Suddenly I found myself surrounded by various imps- and beholder familiars going in the darkness etc. Nothing short of an amazing gamechange I should have implemented ages ago, but now its done...

This will likely mean massive changes elsewhere also very likely meaning a lot of tweaks in the upcoming months in regards to spells and more class variery. Since the monsters acts way smarter now it gives me an incredible array of customisation and variation in monsters class and power composition to make each area more unique in its encounters. I am certainly planning on tweaking much more for variation. So that fx some areas will be pain for casters due to monsters using dispells and others making the singleminded scimitar weaponmaster cry like a baby as the monster cares naught for feeble slashing damage etc etc.

If and when you encounter something that is completely overkill on the monsters please report it on the forum. Starting to use their artificial brainies might mean some creatures suddenly become much more powerfull and thus unintentional dangerous for its area and level range...

All this being said enjoy the changes - they are simple fantastic :)

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Re: Custom creature AI.

Post by tarashon »

Greetings all :)

Having renewed the AI to Jasperre 1.4beta3 the creatures seems to be even smarter. Casters also - mostly - act clever but are somewhat unpredictable. This in terms means that the battles in themselves becomes even more varied and I will be adding more 2nd. and even 3rd. monsters to various spawn locations, making the atmosphere and battles more dynamic than ever before :)

Just did an upgrade to talkashspiders and the effects are absolutely awesome. Much more of this to come !

( On a sidenote but related I just died with a new ranger 12 but the reduced dying XP and the improved XP settings ment that the 600 XP down was back in no time. Single playing has never been better! )

Enjoy :)

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