Forge Feedback

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Forge Feedback

Post by Dante2377 »

So I had a question - if we want fighter types to be damage dealers, why is it only rogue that can add elemental damages? They already get insane AB and magic damage for large weapons, non-rogues can't actually fully benefit from the 3rd physical damage bonus.

Reason is that the EB damage from weapon does NOT stack with damage bonus of the same type. E.G. if a scimitar (which is slashing) has +5 eb and you add 2d8 slashing damage bonus, you DONT get 5 +2d8, you get either 5 OR the 2d8 roll, which ever is higher. So a non-rogue using a large weapon cannot fully benefit from the 3rd damage bonus (which costs a lot of forge tokens).

I'd ask/propose that all PCs be allowed to have their 2nd damage bonus of an elemental type. OR non-rogue users of large weapons that can have 3 damage bonuses be allowed to put an elemental damage on their.

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Re: Forge Feedback

Post by tarashon »

I see the point...

However it should be noted first of that scimitar is just normal weapon and not a two handed one. Another thing is that people using two-handers usually have a VERY high strenght and that those weapons multiply damage *1.5. also 2d8 is usually a heck of alot better than +5 ( or +6 more realisticly speaking for level 25+ ), so its not like its doing nothing.

As it is now I need to see the real damage output on epic builds testet for real, before adding more damage. And finally it is true that fighter types are supposed to be damage dealers but just the same the concept was to make the rogue more so since they are more fragile. Atleast that is the generel idea and some testing will be needed first.

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Re: Forge Feedback

Post by Dante2377 »

alright, let's say you are pure fighter and have +8 greatsword. Ave damage on 2d8 is 9. So your 3rd physical damage bonus will on average only net you 1 extra point of damage.

EDIT - I am a moron and cannot read. Fighters and Barbarians can also use the elemental type damage. It's just 21 and up rogues that get the 2nd bonus damage. never mind.

Also, I'm not sure why you think rogues are "fragile" - I believe your modified 2da file gives them d8 per level? so rogues get 2 hp fewer per level. And in return, for with even 1 level of rogue, they get +5 ab, +5 magic damage and same damage bonus as fighters and barbarians. With 11 levels (perfectly normal to take 4 pre-epic and rest epic and only lose 1 BAB to gain +10 ab and damage) of rogue, you've gained more AB than a level 28 weapon master (only gets +7 and NOT with ranged weapons), plus 5d6 sneak attack damage as well. Because they get insane ab increases, they could forgo 2 stat bumps on their combat stat, get 2 CON bumps, and boom, the hp are equalized (for say 40th level fighter type vs fighter 20/rogue20). Also, from the dex side, they can get epic dodge, which seems to save between 40-100 hp per hit (so 40-100 hp per round). I'm just saying... :D Rogues are certainly not weak here.
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Re: Forge Feedback

Post by BenevolentDevil »

"small rogues" aren't quite as powerful, as some of our Hin players have suggested before. Probably more so because of the small weapon limitations when they rogue?

I don't know, I have never played a straight up rogue before ... I always mix them with other classes.
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