Assassin - Ghostly visage

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Assassin - Ghostly visage

Post by Spe »

The assassin class spell of ghostly visage is as default only lasts the default time and not the extended version we have on here. So on my level 8 assassin her spell doesn't last half as long as the level 5 rods. Can you fix this? we already don't get the rogue hit points haha.
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Re: Assassin - Ghostly visage

Post by tarashon »

Sure thing !

However since Ghostly visage is a "standard for all" resource here in Alangara, i'm gonna take the liberty to be a bit more creative than that. After all having this power ( feat wise I asume ) was supposed to boost the assassin. Now since its really obsolete ill spice it up a bit, and make it something unique.

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Re: Assassin - Ghostly visage

Post by tarashon »


Seems its not as easy as such. Apparently this feat is hardcoded as script wise it shares the script for the spell. Thus perhaps the duration has to do with you levels of assassin ?

( it's duration is based upon assassin levels )

Thus I can't really just edit its script directly. I was considering altering the spell script to behave differently if the caster is also assasin but then what happens when the assassin uses the items...

So I think Ill try to add an item with a once per day power to make up for the "un-needed" ghostly visage.

*** EDIT ***

Assassin power.

Damage reduction +10 / 10
Concealment 25%
Regenerate +2
Duration: Assassin levels +2, Turns.

*** EDIT END ***

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Re: Assassin - Ghostly visage

Post by Spe »

Wow, that is a nice upgrade then the standard ghostly visage feat. Yea it's duration is based on assassin levels, so with mine at 8 it should be caster level 8, yet it lasts shorter then the caster level 5 rods you can buy haha. Tested it out a spell level 8 ghostly visage spell lasted as expected.. 8 minutes. The level 5 caster rods lasted 10 minutes, double the duration.

But this does seem much more usable! Thanks!

*edit* you do not receive the item either on login, or entering the hero's rest, tried the portal and the recall stone and just entering via the door. Nada.
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Re: Assassin - Ghostly visage

Post by tarashon »

I did put up a trigger just when you enter the hallway with the trees from porting into the inn, if you are assassin and dont have the item already. I'll give it a look though. might have misspelled something...

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