Greetings folks
This evening/nite we managed to pull a giant haul in the devellopment of this server and the vision of making it "top notch".
Seeker designed & coded a specially customized deathscript and I had the pleasure of editing 4billion mobs ( not intirely finished but getting there ).
In effect this is the results....
All NONE-EPIC quests that involves killing one special monsters and getting its loot are now changed in such a manner that the intire party gets the needed drop. In effect all these quests are now GROUP-completable
( there is a single exception on purpose but the given quest will inform you in the dialog )
Secondly a VAST number of monsters now have seized to drop loot on the ground. Instead they will drop their loot and/or gold ( if any of either) directly in players inventory. In allmost all cases this loot will go directly to "KILLER-PC", ie if one player in the Group kills way more than others he/she also gets way more loot. On the plus-side this means that players no longer have to use lots of time looting, especially lowlevel drops. However now where they "auto reward on the fly" it will mean more riches and less frustration for players, who can now concentrate on RP or exploration or even plain survival, hehe.
All in all, from all of Seeker and me, to all of you... ENJOY !
( ONGOING ) Crazy workload upgrade :)
Re: Crazy workload upgrade :)
Oki Seeker, we still have some randomdrops, so i guess the new deathscripts needs tweakin' ...
The rest of it seemes to Work Wonders, and also checked if item and gold dropped from summon killls and that worked also, only need to test mercs also. Fairly sure its only the random drops we need to weed out.
The rest of it seemes to Work Wonders, and also checked if item and gold dropped from summon killls and that worked also, only need to test mercs also. Fairly sure its only the random drops we need to weed out.
Re: Crazy workload upgrade :)
For what it's worth, I think if anything players prefer a few "random" drops (assuming we mean something substantial and not 5g) -- it's just seeing 20 piles of remains on the ground after every battle that can get annoying given how often there are large packs of weaker mobs. Seeing a remains pile then becomes more like "Sweet! I hit the jackpot on a drop!" rather than "Great, another minute of looking everything."
Re: Crazy workload upgrade :)
Well random loot is always nice, in terms of "Wonder what i got". However one of the reasons we tried to avoid random loot most of the times as it were was to be sure certain items with certain effects did not drop. such as haste, crit imune or the like.
We will continue investigating the isue though...
We will continue investigating the isue though...
Re: Crazy workload upgrade :)
Could just add a few lines in the on-death script, like giving a 2% chance to drop one of those 1000 gold coins or a haste potion (similar to chests). Can increase the chance slightly or have a chance to drop a larger quantity of stuff for higher level monsters. You wind up with a system where you can control exactly what the "random" items are.
Re: Crazy workload upgrade :)
The new loot script is data driven, and supports a "percentage" drop chance, so we have the capability for "extra" low-chance drops already The issue above is due to "unexpected" extra drops, which is probably due to extra items in the creature inventory or custom spawn scripts which are not yet accounted for (i.e. a bug).
Somnium (a.k.a. Seeker)
Re: Crazy workload upgrade :)
Just to add even more info the Seeker, reply we COULD infact add enough variables on any given type of monster to have specific randomchances on 9 different types of loot per mob, + the gold. ( we could make specific gold amounts count as item so like 10% chance of 1000 gold, 20% chance of 500 blabla etc. the system is rather nifty tbh