(INFO) Traps galore...

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Re: Traps galore...

Post by tarashon »

Howdy again :)

I found the electricity trap function in the nw_i0_spells include and changed area size from large to Gargantuan; thus making the electricity trap the biggest area. Observe it still have a maximum number of targets build into it. I testet the minor trap myself and smacked down the maximum ( for that level trap) of 5 targets in one swoop ).

Aditionally I also made it ( as with the others ) so that improved evasion only grants half damage instead of none.

I then changed the Firetrap so that it is still has the Huge area but instead of "factorX" d8 it now has "factor X" d10, making it the most damaging aoe trap.

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Re: Traps galore...

Post by Twilighteyes »

I will test out the traps again today and let you know results from different mobs and different traps. Electric traps with a max number of 5 targets seems fair as most groups (if your character level is roughly equal to the area cr) seem to be about 4 targets on average.

Boss trapping has had similar results on other servers I have played. I think it's something to do with the "whokilledme" scripts? A pc is recognized, the summons and henchmen have ownership to the pc, a trap however may not be tagged as "owned by pc" when it comes to quest loot. You still get xp an gold but not items.. Just a thought but I'm probably way off.
Twilighteyes name "borrowed" from a book titled the same, NOT a reference to "sparkly" vampires.
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Re: (INFO) Traps galore...

Post by tarashon »

Howdy folks :)

Did some playing today with Flo ( spe ) and realised that using strong traps in the imp area of deep talkash was NOT so good idea anymore after these changes - killed Halande level 27 druid LOL.

Well it's fixed now and as a good notion, traps are now proven very effective, hehe :)

If you stumble upon traps i might have forgotten about over the years be sure to post it here, so I can have a look at it...

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Re: (INFO) Traps galore...

Post by Spe »

Cave of darkness: Inner sanctum part. Traps, traps everywhere, just killed Flo. 200 damage spike traps all over the place ha.
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Re: (INFO) Traps galore...

Post by tarashon »

That place is actually by purpose as any TEAM going there requires a rogue ( or ranger i believe ) with good detect and removal skills to penetrate its depts.

Thanks for reporting though :)

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Re: (INFO) Traps galore...

Post by BenevolentDevil »

By and large, the BEST trap I ever encountered on ANY server I ever played on was a non-damaging trap, that "splashed" paint onto sneakies and others, changing their clothing colors and rendering then visible until washed off or tailor corrected.
It rendered invisible, HiPs, and Hide , visible prematurely.

Most of there "traps" were via trigger, that were actually quite difficult ( not impossible ) to detect. Placed in areas that made sense , like before a room , in a corridor before a known monster encounter spawn ...

of course, for most warrior based characters , it was simply a minor annoyance, but tended to balance some of the hiding and invisible characters , trying to by pass danger, or sneak attack boot damage baddies.

You couldn't "recover" those traps, but could disarm them if "discovered" in normal means.

Me personally, I dislike NWNs and 3rd edition "traps" , and how poisons are done as well.
All traps in 2nd edition were either deadly , or non-deadly but punishing in other ways ... like falling down a pit , might not kill or damage you ... but left you stranded in a non-inescapable room , or on another dungeon level entirely.
Poisons in 2nd , didn't do ineffective ability score drops , it was save or die , and some even if saved still did damage. Gave reasons to fear poisons , and toxins ...

3rd edition, seemed to water down the importance and means of those immersive tools were used.
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Re: (INFO) Traps galore...

Post by tarashon »

Well i suppose we cold try to look at options for more special traps. Like traps lowering tagets ac or stats or others interesting and more imaginative idea. ..

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