Passage of time and aging in Alangara

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Re: Passage of time and aging in Alangara

Post by BenevolentDevil »

// Hahaha, The Loki issue has been "fixed" , at least temporarily ... ;)
But Loki couldn't ever see Jess in the Inner Realms, only had outside knowledge from a source of where she was at. ( what he dreamed, was not reality.) , and he's crafty enough, to know up front, he would need Zerty's permission to engage with anyone and anything inside the Inner Realms.
Sarakiel however, stopped his "plan" of attacking Asguard to distract the other "pantheon" of it, so he could slip away and do such.

Loki , Odin, and some of the Asguardian mythos I have taken as a blend of movies and some old Gygax lore from a game TSR didn't publish , but handed out in the very first DragonCon , which was passed onto me via a great garage sale buy many years ago.
Of course, those concepts "pre-dated" Planescape, and Sigil settings ... so in my version here, Sigil is now the "doorstep" to the planes, and Asguard was "replaced" accordingly as it was the Original "doorstep" to the Heavens beyond. To keep it in line with "regular" ForgottenRealms/Other published works of course.

If I "fudged" a few things here or there in my stories, it was simply either for lack of knowledge myself, or just entertainment filler anyways. Very little of the " planar" aspects bleed over into Jess' life in game world. They might , eventually ... , but so far have only had minor influence on Jess or Alangara to begin with.

It doesn't matter much the origins of how Jess arrived , or why in specifics ... not exactly, I just wanted to make sure that any RP in the future was on par with the setting , and how to handle any situations that pop up concerning those past events.
( As every other alt I have, except Azzy did die to arrive one way or another. Azzy is one of Zertin's Valkeries , therefor her origins are grounded in Inner Realms , and at Zerty's will anyways. )

On other notes, I never thought Zerthin would mind Sarakiel passing and going as she needed to. After-all The Guardian can't by cosmic law , do anything against the will of Zerthin up front, and she wouldn't because she's the epitome of Lawful Good.
Jess's father on the other hand, is not bound by those same laws, and would indeed need direct permission from Zerthin to interact within those limits.

Of course, they would probably get along, but Jess's father is a chaotic breed of dragon , and only a minor celestial in comparison to what the"gods" are , as he has no domain of his own, and only one "duty" as a higher being. Thats why you don't see him as often. ;)
So, Zerthin may not "trust" the aged , and emotional Dragon , in those basic regards. Of course, Zerthin can trust his love for his Daughter transcends almost any other aspect , so has probably allowed those brief interactions , knowing the Old Brass , didn't have a mind for anything else. Especially when Sarakiel was around or with him, she'd keep him in line and "grounded" in focus.

But, as Far as Loki goes, for now he's out of the Picture , that pact has been terminated. That doesn't mean we won't see him again most likely, but the tale has taken a turn , allowing Jess to be free of that now.
( Which in turn allows me to go other directions , and free up some "unscripted" RP accordingly, allowing Jess to grow in the world she is in. )
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Re: Passage of time and aging in Alangara

Post by tarashon »

Howdy :)

Ya i wrote up on things yesterday and saw the incident of loki and sarakiel....

As for sarakiels going and passing in the Inner realms Zertihn allows it but is actually much more vigilant in his watching of her dealings there compared to thedragon ( sorry forgot his name ).

First of Zertihn is extremely chaotic for a lawful good dragon race and lawful domain such as just rulership and secondly he acso acknowledge that the father is rather limited in his influence. Sarakiel however by her mere presence would alters the very weave and mindscape around here unless directly "opposed or held at bay" by Zertihn or the realms themselves. Thus he is much more vigilant watching her. Not becuase he dont like her but as hope he is also there to favor those of evil alignment so he plays may more roles than that of a "mere god"...

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Re: Passage of time and aging in Alangara

Post by BenevolentDevil »

Sarakiel doesn't do anything to "alter" though, both because she can't and out of respect as well. ;)

By "can't" , meaning she has no authority to do anything in the realms that are domains of others, not unless given direct orders to do so, or there was some cosmic need for it.

An Example, would be a Greater Deity ( presumably evil ) , for the sake of argument decided to end Zerthin's existence, or reign of the plane.

Or if something happened, where devils and demons were flooding in uncontrolled, and were over-running everything ... then she could "do more" on the behalf of "good" , or even at Zerthin's request.

Otherwise, the best she can do is observe.
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Re: Passage of time and aging in Alangara

Post by tarashon »

By "doing" i mean her very presense's impact on the mindscape and the everflowing axis of potentiality. Basically a being such as her would impact the Inner Realms directly since they are in nature atuned to support and bend to the will of sentient beings to further the cause of intentionally the mortals summoned there but just the same any creature in there has impact unless directly stopped by the realms or Zertihn and her "aura" would be rather hefty...
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Re: Passage of time and aging in Alangara

Post by BenevolentDevil »

Yeah, lol ... Sarakiel could be disruptive in that sense ... , but for prosperity's sake, I really try to limit her influence on the realms in RP though.
Like she probably doesn't ever fully manifest in the inner realms, staying in spirit form or using some physical projected image like ability.
She knows upfront, what would be allowed for her ( assuming as well, Zertihn and herself have conversed on his expectations and imposed limitations so she can keep an eye on her daughter, that took place somewhere in the past events. Possibly even before Jess was born/concieved. )

Luckily, Jess takes more traits from her father, than from her mother ... Jess does gain some heritage from Sarakiel , like her supernatural beauty , longevity , immortal like youth , her absolute sense of good will and natural sense of morals. There are a few minor things, like Jess' abhorrence of undead , the ill feelings she sometimes gains entering a place of evil or predominant evil. The fact that Jess has an absolute "good" heart , is a by product of her ties to her mother as well.

Her father's seed though, was the dominant factor. Thats where Jess gets her seemingly chaotic spirit , loves fun and tries to love life fully. Her care free ways. Also, somewhat her independence and self-absorbed way of thinking. ;)
It is also , her father's blood that keeps Jess rooted in emotions , she's pretty much physically effected by her emotional state in many cases. She subconsciously even has traits that dragons do.
Her physical appearance shows that dominance ... as well as many of her traits and abilities.

The Mother and father , are key instruments to RP , but should never actually be a issue or any sort of disruptive "problem" in the Inner realms , not by my design anyways.
It just helps create an interesting tale, and give Jess a unique means of existence. Which is the ultimate goal on that front ...

How that effects the Inner Realms , is of course up to the DM *winks* , as well as what the future holds for the Dragonblood ...
Jess is evolving in subtle ways , she's still " growing up" and maturing ... and much of that is due to events that have taken place in game, and the RP thats been done in game.
The "separation" of Jess and her parents was done on purpose, and even in the "stories" , there is a vast difference in the dealings of Jess locked onto this plane of existence, and what transpires elsewhere because of her parents doings, that reflect on goings elsewhere.

I "cross RP her " with Anoksuna sometimes, just to give the "illusion" that the world is alive and happening , with other peoples in it are doing things and living in the world as well.

For me, it' s all about immersion , and making things interesting and providing some entertainment beyond the actual game engine.

Plus, behind the stories there, gives reason and ties for Jess to be a part of the world , or be directly or indirectly involved with Zertihn, and other aspects , when the DM or player running them, wants it to be so.
In my eyes, too many PWs have very little that tie characters to it. In those, the characters just exist , standing in the shadow of larger than life NPCs, have no RP effect on the realm/world , and at best can only raise to such a level of power, to influence or interact with just a very limited scope and part of that world/realm by default ...
I waned to overcome a lot of that, with Jess being my main character here.
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Re: Passage of time and aging in Alangara

Post by tarashon »

Well all I can say is personally i love the forum RP of all of you players doing that. Its awesome stories and as you stated yourself gives life beyond a static engine.

Game technically most of it won't really matter much. Even if Jess ( as an exsample ) had been RPed in a way that I had decided to go along with her being a manifest of AO himself ( btw not gonna happen ! haha ) it would grant her absolutely no bonus ingame technically. However as an immersion tool, so to speak these things are awesome and grants inspiration to various new devellopments in the Inner Realms - when I am not taking a break from them anyways... *cough*

However one should not underestimate the potential of ones own character and in jess case it would fx be obvious that she as a reborn as able to turn into a true dragonform customdesigned to make it fully playable - as an exsample not nescesarily ever coming to life but merely to point out that the RP stories players provide in forum does circkle inside my little head and I love to draw them into the lovely flexible lore and design of the Inner Realms when and if it can be done in a flexible and natural way. As such "the Horrors" are now fully incorporated into Zertihns dealings with the multiverses and realities he and the Inner Realms projects, develop and nurture. I dont take credit for them but i let them live as a fundementally different sort or conscience, power and motivation. One which by the way fits "disgustingly perfect" with something to challange Zertihns aspect of HOPE , since they are excactly the opposite drawing their powers from the very emotional distubance that gave them life and feeds them to grow ever more - in my way if interpretending your layout of them.....

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Re: Passage of time and aging in Alangara

Post by BenevolentDevil »

One which by the way fits "disgustingly perfect" with something to challange Zertihns aspect of HOPE , since they are excactly the opposite drawing their powers from the very emotional distubance that gave them life and feeds them to grow ever more - in my way if interpretending your layout of them.....
Thats exactly , what they are, and I was going for as well ;)
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