In a distant forest on the continent of Faerûn, three majestic deities sat in a small clearing. Chauntea, the goddess of fertility, Auriel, the Frostmaiden and Talos, the Stormlord. A thundering silence surrounded their meeting place, as their presence was too overwhelming for any mortal or beast.
Auriel the Frostmaiden spoke: "Long have we argued and we seldom agree. I propose a contest." She paused and looked at her fellows: "A Contest of Creation." The three great Gods continued their debate for several weeks, until the terms and objective of the contest were finally agreed upon.
Thus the Inner Realms were created, deep within the core of the world of Abeir-Toril, far below the Forgotten Realms and those cave lands known by many as the Underdark:
The Icedark, a frozen continent of eternal night, inhabited by the forces and followers of Auriel.
The Middle Lands, a fertile continent of forest and plains, inhabited by the followers and creations of Chauntea.
The Torn Lands, barren wastelands and deserts inhabited by those serving the Stormlord Talos.
Centuries passed, while the war of the Inner Realms between the three continents raged on in the names of their respective gods. No continent ever being able to defeat the other, or cast glory upon their creator God.
However all this changed with the coming of a new power to the Inner Realms. Entering this secret part of Faerûn, came a Power from the very planes, to sow the seeds of chaos.
The Legend of the Inner Realms
The Legend of the Inner Realms
Somnium (a.k.a. Seeker)
The Legend of the Lord of Chaos
The Lord of Chaos
Under the influence of this new Power, the servants of the three gods started to fight amongst themselves, striving for power over their own kin. Inevitably, this would lead to but one thing: A Great War between the forces loyal to their gods, and those serving the raw power of chaos. This War waged through the three continents, with a brutality never seen elsewhere on Faerûn. First fell the legions of Chauntea, not to the blade, but to the power of betrayal, as they turned their back to Chauntea, choosing instead to follow her once trusted servant, Torklaz.
Torklaz, having found a chance to become a deity himself, had no second thoughts on betraying Chauntea. With a majority of the population on his side, he swiftly dispatched the loyal servants of Chauntea.
After this easy victory, the forces of Chaos moved on, into the Torn Lands of Talos. Building a great gate from the forest of Deep Talkash, the forces of Chaos managed to take the great forces of the Torn Lands by complete surprise. They defeated the defending forces in but one single battle, that raged for over 2 years.
With only the Icedark remaining, the forces of Chaos marched again, certain of their imminent victory. By crushing the forces of Auriel, the Chaos legion would have finally taken over the entire Inner Realms.
What exactly happened, no one really knows. It is said, that the army of chaos took a terrible defeat when entering an enormous ice desert known as The Barren. Finding themselves in the path of an invading army of such great power and prowess, the forces that have been warring against each other for centuries, turned against the invading Legion.
The Chaos Legion was suddenly attacked by both armies in a crushing fist of steel and fury. The Legion had expected these armies to join them, as both had clearly betrayed Auriel centuries ago. But to their distress the Legions realized that these forces had betrayed everything but their hate for each other. This was a fight between them, and whether gods, men, or demons, they cared little. This was their war, and intruders would not be tolerated.
Leaving the Barren, it is said the Legions of Chaos found the forces that had remained loyal to Auriel, but deserted the Icedark, having established a secret stronghold in the Middle Lands. Rumours tell of a final battle, where the Chaos armies were crushed into oblivion, casting the unknown presence of chaos from the Inner Realms. A myth even speak of a “Bringer of Hope” interceding in the hour of need. The myth also states that the mysterious Lord of Chaos shall one day return to the Inner Realms to seek his revenge.
As the dust of battle cleared over the Inner realms, it was clear to all that the losses had been terrible. Most populations of men and beast alike had been decimated to near oblivion by the Great War. Order and prosperity were but faint memories, and the creation by the three great gods seemed to have been all in vain. This however was soon to change, with the arrival of the legendary Alangara.
Under the influence of this new Power, the servants of the three gods started to fight amongst themselves, striving for power over their own kin. Inevitably, this would lead to but one thing: A Great War between the forces loyal to their gods, and those serving the raw power of chaos. This War waged through the three continents, with a brutality never seen elsewhere on Faerûn. First fell the legions of Chauntea, not to the blade, but to the power of betrayal, as they turned their back to Chauntea, choosing instead to follow her once trusted servant, Torklaz.
Torklaz, having found a chance to become a deity himself, had no second thoughts on betraying Chauntea. With a majority of the population on his side, he swiftly dispatched the loyal servants of Chauntea.
After this easy victory, the forces of Chaos moved on, into the Torn Lands of Talos. Building a great gate from the forest of Deep Talkash, the forces of Chaos managed to take the great forces of the Torn Lands by complete surprise. They defeated the defending forces in but one single battle, that raged for over 2 years.
With only the Icedark remaining, the forces of Chaos marched again, certain of their imminent victory. By crushing the forces of Auriel, the Chaos legion would have finally taken over the entire Inner Realms.
What exactly happened, no one really knows. It is said, that the army of chaos took a terrible defeat when entering an enormous ice desert known as The Barren. Finding themselves in the path of an invading army of such great power and prowess, the forces that have been warring against each other for centuries, turned against the invading Legion.
The Chaos Legion was suddenly attacked by both armies in a crushing fist of steel and fury. The Legion had expected these armies to join them, as both had clearly betrayed Auriel centuries ago. But to their distress the Legions realized that these forces had betrayed everything but their hate for each other. This was a fight between them, and whether gods, men, or demons, they cared little. This was their war, and intruders would not be tolerated.
Leaving the Barren, it is said the Legions of Chaos found the forces that had remained loyal to Auriel, but deserted the Icedark, having established a secret stronghold in the Middle Lands. Rumours tell of a final battle, where the Chaos armies were crushed into oblivion, casting the unknown presence of chaos from the Inner Realms. A myth even speak of a “Bringer of Hope” interceding in the hour of need. The myth also states that the mysterious Lord of Chaos shall one day return to the Inner Realms to seek his revenge.
As the dust of battle cleared over the Inner realms, it was clear to all that the losses had been terrible. Most populations of men and beast alike had been decimated to near oblivion by the Great War. Order and prosperity were but faint memories, and the creation by the three great gods seemed to have been all in vain. This however was soon to change, with the arrival of the legendary Alangara.
Somnium (a.k.a. Seeker)
The Legend of Alangara
Alangara, first of the Reborn
A mighty amazon princess from the mysterious jungles of Chult entered the Inner Realms, claiming that she had died from poisoning, but that a unknown Deity, presenting itself as the Bringer of Hope, had snatched her from the claws of death.
Given a new chance, the great Amazon, known as Alangara, started to gather the scattered tribes and communities around her, into one unified and sizable nation.
As a result, two things happened: First, the various monstrous tribes began to consider her a threat to their supremacy, and attacks on the allied settlements became more frequent. Secondly, her fame and reputation for leading even small forces against hordes of beast with overwhelming victories, made more and more of her people consider her to be more of a divine being than a mortal hero.
Realising however, that even great skill in warfare would not save her people, Alangara send explorers out in a search for more fertile lands. After a few years, the search was rewarded with the finding of an entire continent. The allied tribes took to boats and emigrated from various parts of the known Inner Realms to this new found continent, in search of a more promising and safer future.
After several years in peace on the new continent, Alangara called upon her people. Smiling widely with a voice of divine splendour and strength, she spoke: "My time has come, I have seen the light. No longer shall I walk among you, but I leave this world of Mortals to take my place amongst the Gods."
She lifted her famous spear, and with a great thrust, drove it into the hard stone on which she stood.
Divine light begun to radiate from her body, and with a lovingly smile she vanished, leaving her spear in the ground, surrounded by the same divine aura. As the light dissipated, her spear grew and changed into a massive rock pillar, and with tears and lament the villagers of the united tribes kneeled down before it in humble recognition of her right to be born anew amongst the gods.
A mighty amazon princess from the mysterious jungles of Chult entered the Inner Realms, claiming that she had died from poisoning, but that a unknown Deity, presenting itself as the Bringer of Hope, had snatched her from the claws of death.
Given a new chance, the great Amazon, known as Alangara, started to gather the scattered tribes and communities around her, into one unified and sizable nation.
As a result, two things happened: First, the various monstrous tribes began to consider her a threat to their supremacy, and attacks on the allied settlements became more frequent. Secondly, her fame and reputation for leading even small forces against hordes of beast with overwhelming victories, made more and more of her people consider her to be more of a divine being than a mortal hero.
Realising however, that even great skill in warfare would not save her people, Alangara send explorers out in a search for more fertile lands. After a few years, the search was rewarded with the finding of an entire continent. The allied tribes took to boats and emigrated from various parts of the known Inner Realms to this new found continent, in search of a more promising and safer future.
After several years in peace on the new continent, Alangara called upon her people. Smiling widely with a voice of divine splendour and strength, she spoke: "My time has come, I have seen the light. No longer shall I walk among you, but I leave this world of Mortals to take my place amongst the Gods."
She lifted her famous spear, and with a great thrust, drove it into the hard stone on which she stood.
Divine light begun to radiate from her body, and with a lovingly smile she vanished, leaving her spear in the ground, surrounded by the same divine aura. As the light dissipated, her spear grew and changed into a massive rock pillar, and with tears and lament the villagers of the united tribes kneeled down before it in humble recognition of her right to be born anew amongst the gods.
Somnium (a.k.a. Seeker)