Search found 9 matches

by Calamitus
Wed Oct 28, 2015 1:41 am
Forum: Suggestions and Q&A
Topic: Arcane Archer Thread
Replies: 11
Views: 15286

Re: Arcane Archer Thread

Holy crap BD, (pun intended) that's a sorry excuse for a DM. No one should ever RP another's reactions/actions. I dislike PVP simply for the fact that I suck at builds and prefer RP to getting my arse handed to me on a regular basis. I've played on 2 different servers, one for at least 10 yrs, and ...
by Calamitus
Tue Oct 27, 2015 12:02 pm
Forum: Suggestions and Q&A
Topic: Arcane Archer Thread
Replies: 11
Views: 15286

Re: Arcane Archer Thread

I'm not an expert on Arcane archers but I have not used one because of a few reasons. One of which is the arrow of death isn't all that powerful. It's fort save DC is only 20 and there's a bug in the game that doesn't allow it to penetrate damage reduction. Also the fact that imbue arrow only uses ...
by Calamitus
Mon Oct 26, 2015 2:40 pm
Forum: Suggestions and Q&A
Topic: Forgotten quest details
Replies: 3
Views: 5324

Re: Forgotten quest details

Thanks. I did figure out that if you drop Lady Windsmoor's letter she'll go through the whole spiel again and give you another.
by Calamitus
Mon Oct 26, 2015 4:47 am
Forum: Suggestions and Q&A
Topic: Forgotten quest details
Replies: 3
Views: 5324

Forgotten quest details

There should be a way to speak to quest givers and get a recap of the instructions. I got Windsmoor's quest, but had to log out before starting it and now can't remember what I have to do. It is a bit complicated to remember with all the "go here, then there, then do this".
by Calamitus
Mon Oct 26, 2015 2:51 am
Forum: Suggestions and Q&A
Topic: ( CLOSED ) Some niggling questions
Replies: 2
Views: 4661

Re: Some niggling questions

I must have some blonde in me or something. I figured out I was seeing things wrongly in the descriptions, so please ignore these questions, and delete the posts if necessary. Thanks. :oops:
by Calamitus
Mon Oct 26, 2015 2:38 am
Forum: Suggestions and Q&A
Topic: ( CLOSED ) Some niggling questions
Replies: 2
Views: 4661

Re: Some niggling questions

Ugh, I edited this but it timed out before I finished. I found the answer to the first question on my own. Thanks!
by Calamitus
Mon Oct 26, 2015 2:31 am
Forum: Suggestions and Q&A
Topic: ( CLOSED ) Some niggling questions
Replies: 2
Views: 4661

( CLOSED ) Some niggling questions

I have noticed that on level up, I can't get max hitpoints no matter how many times I cancel and retry (I should be able to get 15 per level - Fighter with 16 Con, only get 13). Are they limited to an average or something? Also, and this might have something to do with the Crit nerfs on this server ...
by Calamitus
Sat Oct 24, 2015 4:02 pm
Forum: Suggestions and Q&A
Topic: ( ANSWERED ) World lore and background?
Replies: 5
Views: 7101

Re: World lore and background?

Thanks! I had come to the conclusion that any background was probably acceptable. The mechanism of how new characters arrive in the Inner Realms is still fuzzy, though I suppose divine intervention can always be used.
by Calamitus
Fri Oct 23, 2015 10:25 pm
Forum: Suggestions and Q&A
Topic: ( ANSWERED ) World lore and background?
Replies: 5
Views: 7101

( ANSWERED ) World lore and background?

I am trying out this server and have a character built, but I want a good background but just don't know where to start. There is no map or list of nations/lands that characters can use for origin stories (granted I haven't had the chance to check out the museum yet, might be some there?). Are PCs ...